In recognition of the diverse nature of professionals providing paediatric care we have decided to introduce an exciting new representative role to the PEdSIG committee: the Paediatric Associate Professional Representative!

This role will be held by a nursing associate, nurse practitioner, physician associate or other allied health professional with an interest in paediatrics and medical education. 

The person appointed to the role will assist with:
-Promoting paediatric education and training to associate professional colleagues.

-Formulating and developing ideas to expand PEdSIG’s links with associate professionals in paediatrics.

-Representing the needs of those other than doctors to the committee.

-Promoting PEdSIG’s events, prizes and bursaries to their colleagues.

-Attending at least one PEdSIG meeting each year whilst in office.

How to apply:

Please fill in and submit the application form online via the following link

Online application form

If you prefer, you can download the form and send the same information to us at [email protected]

Closing date for applications = Wednesday 16th December

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